We have taken these words literally when we developed the concept of interaQtive books. It is really books that listen and talks. By empowering the book with interactive features and making it adaptable to the iReader (the user). With the main aim to offer the iReader an immersive experience of storytelling and learning. This is what interaQtive Books as well as bringing interactive features to traditional book formats is about. Only your creativity sets the limit of what can be accomplished. To use Umberto Eco’s words:
“To read fiction means to play a game by which we give sense to the immensity of things that happened, are happening, or will happen in the actual world. By reading narrative, we escape the anxiety that attacks us when we try to say something true about the world. This is the consoling function of narrative — the reason people tell stories, and have told stories from the beginning of time.”
Umberto Eco, Six Walks in the Fictional Woods