Interactive books certainly are taking the digital literature- and learning experience to the next level. The possible empowerment of a manuscript is next to endless. Where the basic solution is to always start from the reader or iReader that we prefer to call the user of an interactive book. For instance, what if you include engaging interactions in your book to improve reading skills? And at the same time generally boost reading behaviours away from social media snap chat messaging into the magic world of storytelling, knowledge creation and freeing the mind and reflection?
Take the engagement to a new level
Basically, for Storytelling, Inspiration, and Learning, however, nothing has changed since high-quality content is the prerequisite for success. What we do, is help you take your Book Manuscript to the next level with loads of different interactive features. To be able to boost engagement for your existing audience, while also engaging new readers, or rather iReaders by publishing your book in the format of the next generation ebooks. Sounds interesting? Here follows an opportunity! Read more about our platform and services for interactive books.