The translation of Gränsfarare to Greek is now on its way, shortly the book also will be translated to English, and there are plans for more languages later on.
The translator to Greek who is also the publisher of B-InteraQtive Publishing, Virginia Ioannou Boström, has almost ten years professional experience of translations from Swedish to Greek as well as from Greek to Swedish. She says: ”It is a really exciting challenge to translate literature.”
The author LarsGöran Boström comments: ”It is natural that Greek is the first language that my collection of short stories is being translated to. Since it was in Greece the writing of the book took off for real and at the same time it is in this environment several of the stories fully or partly takes place. It will be really interesting to review the Greek version of Gränsfarare.”
At the moment the book is available in Swedish see B-InteraQtive Publishings information-page about the book here and information in English is available here. The Swedish edition of Gränsfarare – Noveller som rör sig genom tid och rum is available in print and as an ebook, and can be bought in Swedish bookstores as well as Apple iBooks.