The primary power of interactive books – free chapter on Learning by Doing Design

The primary power of interactive books – free chapter on Learning by Doing Design

To more actively bring together theory and practice is basically the main power of interactive books. Since you can easily describe a theory on a page and on the next put it on hands on-practice in a simulation or any other form of feature-rich interactive training. It works both to improve skills, real-world tasks as well as improve your memory by putting a theory into practice. Charles F. Kettering wrote:

“There is no warfare between theory and practice.
But theory without practice isn’t much use.”

The primary power of interactive books – free chapter on Learning by Doing Design

As the interactive book format dramatically is improving active and reactive learning. It activates and integrates the iReader much more in the story or content than traditional formats. Below follows a free introduction to Learning by Doing Design, it includes the following perspectives among interactive exercises.

Perspective I: Driving forces of the new dimension

Perspective II: Theory and practice

Perspective III: Shift from broadcasting pedagogy

How to build a learning lab

Example of an ebook with the power of interactive books

Empowering A Frenchman in Stockholm 1844-45 with more interactivityStockholm - The history of the illustrationsThe ebook in English is available while the interactive part soon will be published. In Swedish, the book is available as printed hardcover with interactivity and ebook with interactivity.

Learn more about the interactivity in the book by clicking here

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