Interactive book design is a format where you can mix powers of the web with powers of the book format. Where the features you should use depend on the purpose of the interactive book. The possibilities to mix different media and interactive features are almost endless. Below follows an introduction to interactive books design.
Readers and listeners
The world, according to the management guru Peter Drucker, consists of two kinds of people: Readers and Listeners. With these words, he is referring to how we learn and process information. In this spirit, different people prefer different environments when they learn or perform other engaging tasks. Some prefer a printed book or an audiobook. Others prefer a digital makerspace or a real lab to actually create in a learning by doing approach, or a game to test and refine individual skills and have fun etc. etc. To meet the learner you also have to consider their digital playing ground, meaning which device they have and which OS. In this spirit, for support in such a project, I have developed a great analysis tool, the 6iModel. It is described in my book Learning Design in Practice for Everybody.
Introduction to interactive book design
For better user experience go to the site of the introduction or use it here e.g. by using the full screen feature:
Interactive books developed from modern cognitive science
In the book The shallow – What the Internet does to our brain, Nicholas Carr on the basis of current brain research highlights the fact that using manual- and intellectual tools changes the neurological brain structure. This conclusion has already been shown during the 19th Century by different scientists. But for most of the 20th Century, this was rejected by the scientific community. Finally, in the 1990s it was ruled out that the brain never stops adapting and changing. It is constantly looking for better and more efficient methods to replace old inefficient.
PublishingLab for interactive books
We at eLearningworld Europe AB took this under consideration and created SOE PublishingLab. Where we now in a simple process can create interaQtive books to download and run on most forms of devices and OS, as well as online. Everything is available for collaboration to help you tell your stories. To actually, meet your audience in their individual home environment and their specific requirements. Read more about the services here